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When Should You See A Functional Medicine Doctor?

Matthew Marcotte

You should be searching for a Functional Medicine doctor when you are trying to find the causes of any symptoms you are having that your body is experiencing. You see, a symptom is nothing more than your body’s alarm that something is going wrong. When you seek the traditional allopathic medical system, the system is set up to treat the symptoms solely with medication.

For example, if you have a cough, you’re given a cough suppressant. They won’t find what is causing the cough in most cases, and treat that. Another common example is if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, they will give you medication that reduces your blood pressure and reduces your ability to either absorb or make your own cholesterol. Think about that…so, for the rest of your life, you just take a pill to force your body to turn off its natural function and adaptation. Taking medication does two things, helps reduce symptoms and increases chances of making the problem worse by the adverse health effects. A medication never treats the root cause because the cause of your body dysfunction is never from a deficiency of the medication you are taking!

Functional medicine doctors at Pure Health Medical ask questions like: Why is your body increasing its blood pressure? Why is your body making more cholesterol? At Pure Health Medical, our doctors are trained at finding the answers to those types of questions. Although it is not often easy to find the underlying cause, we have a specific functional medicine department with the systems in place to work with patients on a one-on-one basis and utilize the most up-to-date functional diagnostic lab testing and analysis to find the root causes. We currently have over 8 years of successful clinical experience in this type of health care.

If you are sick and tired of the traditional medical model just pushing a drug as your healthcare solution, then give functional medicine at Pure Health Medical a shot. Call and schedule your free consultation today!

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Columbus, Ohio functional medicine Doctor Matthew Marcotte located in Lewis Center
Ph: 614.839.1044
Fax: 614.343.3430
8am-12:30, 2:30-6pm
Tuesday 2pm-6pm
Friday 8am-12:30pm

Find a Functional Medicine Doctor that will work with you to get real solutions for your health needs.  If you've been diagnosed with fibromyalgiathyroid disease,  diabetes or any other chronic disease and would like a better answer to improved health, don't hesitate to give us a call.

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